Upcoming Meeting

June 19 - 20, 2024 | Google Office, MONTREAL

Getting to 2050:
AI enabler or detractor?

The panel aims to explore the potential implications of AI on utility operations and maintenance, supply chain dynamics, and the workforce. It will delve the opportunities and challenges associated with the integration of AI technologies.

  • How are utility companies considering the integration of AI?

  • What is the impact on supply chain and asset management?

  • How does AI adoption affect the workforce?

Attend NER Meetings as a Non-member

We offer a one-time membership option for individuals interested in attending any one of our meetings. For a fee of $800 + HST per individual, attendees gain access to valuable insights, networking opportunities, and discussions at the meeting of their choice.

Should your organization decide to become a member of the NER after attending one of our semi-annual meetings, we will deduct the $800 + HST paid for the individual membership from the annual membership cost.

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NER’s Impact

Each NER meeting has played a pivotal role in shaping our organization's journey, leaving behind a legacy of success, innovation, and community engagement.